
Angel Wings is work of fiction based on the experiences of a selected group of people with experience of mental ill health. After discussion we commissioned Anne Donovan to write imaginatively about a child’s experience of having a mother or father who experiences mental ill health. Anne was asked to write it in a way that would speak to children and young adults assuring them that they were not alone and that the experience is relatively common.

So, Anne met with the people we invited to take part, asking them to talk openly and honestly about their experience – which they did.  She then took all the experiences, mulled them over and turned them into Angel Wings, and as she says, the story would not exist without the generosity of the people who took part. We then asked Tess Wood to add illustrations which have added a special dimension.

We are now keen that the book is put to positive use in supporting  children and young people to explore issues of mental ill health. The book is suitable to be used within a formal educational settings – further teaching materials linked to the Curriculum for Excellence can be found on the resources page. We are also continuing to explore other uses of the book in collaboration with carers and mental health organisations. We will keep you updated on new developments on this site and welcome your ideas for its further use.

Please feel free to download the book from the Resources Page and use it!

If you have any remarks or suggestions please get in touch: info@artlinkedinburgh.co.uk